
NLnet Funding for Feather UI!

We are happy to announce that NLnet is providing us with funding via NGI Zero Core to help make Feather UI a reality! Progress has been slow given that many team members were working on this part-time, but now a few core team members will be working full-time to build a proper Feather UI prototype.

Feather is a universal UI library that applies user inputs to application state, and maps application state to an interactive visualization using a custom graphics rendering language capable of compiling to arbitrary GPU code or vectorized CPU code. By building on top of a well-typed graphics abstraction, it is possible to make custom shaders "write once, run anywhere" with confidence and no overhead. This allows the creation of UI Fragments, which no longer need to be built on top of a library of UI widget elements, allowing the creation of arbitrarily complex UI elements that are no longer bound to traditional widget designs. This level of abstraction allows targeting anything from embedded devices to webpages, or even mixed-reality devices.

Feather does not have a dedicated webpage yet, but you can check us out on GitHub, or say hi in the discord server.

 Erik McClure on